- if not stated otherwise, make a backup of the files in the 'config'-folder and all your category files
- remove the existing jSuspect installation
- unzip/-tar the new jSuspect version
- copy your backup files to the 'config'- and 'categories'-folder
Migrating from jSuspect version 0.8x to 0.92:
- there have been a lot of modifications to the 'config'- and 'settings'-files, so please reenter your data
- add a <yahoo-msg/> element after the <mail>...recipients...</mail> element in each of your existing category files
Migrating from jSuspect version 0.92 to 0.95:
schema files have been moved from 'validation' to '/etc/validation'; you have to update the schema references
in '/conf/settings.xml': to ' xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../etc/validation/settings.xsd" '
in all your category files: to ' xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../etc/validation/category.xsd" '
add a <check-pause/> element after the <expected-content/> element of each target in all your category files
(see 'categories/template/template.xml' for an example of the correct structure)